HALLO!!! Welcome To Skate Guys and Gals.com
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Hi pals and gals!
This is our first webpage and quite excited. Right, this is all for you guys and gals who love skating or just like stuff to do with it. In here you'll find the message board so you can talk to one another about skating and stuff. Or you can just have a look at pics of your favourite skaters and tricks!! By the by, our names are holly,becky,Martin and anthony we're 14 and we love to skate!!!!

We hope you enjoy this sort of site. Click on anything and see what you get!!

Lots of Love, Holly,Anthony, Becky and martin xXxXx
Best board in the world!
So, you want the best board in the world do you?
Well, brace yourself for the ultimate board!!

DECK: Fiberlight - Element
TRUCKS: Tensors
BEARINGS: Lucky Titaniums
HARDWARE: Shory's Hardware
Cool sites for you to visit!!
Here are some cool links that i've found. See if you think there good enough for you!!

I'm sure you lot out there have loads of ideas and comments youd like to send us. So what do you do?
E-mail us of course!!!! Duh!
Give us all your suggestions and comments about our web site. We'd love to hear your mind speak for itself! You know it wants to talk to us!

We will read every email sent by you!! Go on. Get typing!
Send an email

Click on the profile page just to see your fave skaters rated by us!
Send an email

Please send us any good pics of yourself or any other skaters. We will put them on our photo page and say a hello if you like!